Obj biography of george michael
George Michael: The Long Goodbye (US Weekly, )
The interview George Michael: The Long Goodbye was written by Ian Parker for US Magazine on January
Despite all his efforts, George Michael just can’t go away. An exclusive interview by Ian Parker.
The house is in Hampstead, a prosperous hill-suburb of North London. This is where millionaire liberals spend their money discreetly. This is a district for the grand old men and women of English acting, for media executives who like a little cocaine and for radical novelists grown tallrik and rich on royalties. The Range Rovers move slowly and apologetically.
Not far from the underground station the deepest in London a private road winds grandly through tall trees and taller apartment blocks. As the hill steepens, the foliage gets lusher. And as the foliage gets lusher, the fierce KEEP OUT signs grow fiercer and the tarmac bumps designed to slow traffic seem to get higher and more combative.
And then you’re at George Michae
This feature sees me coming full circle and allows me to right a wrong. A few years back, GQ did a feature on me. The headline read, “Is Jack Guinness the coolest man in Britain?” Quite an incredible question (the answer was obviously, “No, he’s a complete loser,” but it was still flattering). In the interview, with the encouragement of my then modelling agent, I didn’t mention my sexuality once. I didn’t lie, but I didn’t address it. There was a pink elephant in the room.
At the time I had a very complex relationship with my parents and, for numerous reasons, including “advice” about my career, I didn’t feel comfortable talking about my private life. All my friends were so excited about the headline, the interview and the shoot – what a huge moment in my modelling career! I’m forever grateful to Dylan Jones for my big break. Yet, internally, all I felt was shame. I wasn’t being completely open about who I was.
I always advise young LGBTQ+ people only come out when it is safe • This George Michael interview Michaels New Muse: The Singer Takes Pride in Prejudice was written by Edna Gundersen for USA Today and published on September 11, Only three years ago, with a stunning solo debut album called Faith, George Michael shed the bubblegum image that stuck after Wham!s success. Having secured global fame as a respected pop icon, hes now wriggling out of his superstar skin to expose the third George Michael. I believe I have some kind of gift, but I dont believe in myself as a star, says Michael, 27, poolside at his managers Encino home. Deeply tanned and barefoot, he wears a tank top, black shorts, a Lakers cap and one gold earring. He sips ice water under the full sun of a degree afternoon, as two Labradors vie for attention. To be happy as a star, he continues, you have to believe youre really removed from people. Ive never been comfortable with th
George Michael: The Singer Takes Pride in Prejudice ()