Judge penny brown reynolds biography for kids

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  • About Judge Penny Brown Reynolds

    The Honorable Judge Penny Brown Reynolds fryst vatten a nationally-respected leader, highly dedicated public servant, author, educator, former jurist, public policy expert, public theologian, and ordained pastor. As the first African American in Georgia’s history to serve as the Governor’s Executive Counsel, and the first African American to serve as the Lt. Governor’s Chief of Staff and Executive Counsel in the Georgia Senate, Dr. Brown Reynolds has served in all three branches of state government. Her 27-year distinguished legal career has included serving for nearly a decade as a trial court Judge in the Fulton County State Court, being appointed as one of the youngest judges in the state; and serving as a Georgia State Assistant Attorney General, an Assistant District Attorney and a judicial clerk for the Georgia Court of Appeals. In addition, she was Executive Producer and former host of the internationally syndicated daytime televi

  • judge penny brown reynolds biography for kids
  • The Honorable Judge Penny Brown Reynolds is a nationally respected leader, bold visionary and highly dedicated public servant, former jurist, attorney, public theologian, and ordained pastor. She is a history maker and international public figure whose journey is dedicated to the fundamental principles of justice, equality, civic engagement and social justice advocacy. Judge Brown Reynolds provides a unique and inspiring prophetic preaching and speaking style where she unapologetically confronts today’s challenging issues often ignored by the media.

    During the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the March on Washington, civil and human rights organizations called upon Judge Brown Reynolds to give voice to the issue of “Poverty in America” during this historic occasion. She was selected as one of America’s leading intellectuals by CNN and Essence Magazine for the groundbreaking series, Reclaiming the Dream, in association with the Black in America CNN special. As a Life Member of the NA

    Penny Brown Reynolds

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    Grew up in a small, primarily Catholic, town in Louisiana, raised bygd her impoverished single mother.

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    She was often mistreated and shunned from others because of the way she grew up.

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    25 years ago, she found herself homeless, living out of a car; took a vow that she would never be poor again.

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    Determined to make a life for herself, she went to law school in Georgia and studied to become a prosecutor.

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    Then she wanted to pay it forward and help others overcome oppression in their lives, so she decided to become a judge.

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    As a judge, she finally felt a sense of pride-something she didn't often feel as a child.

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    After five years on the bänk, she realized that she needed to reach out to others who were oppressed through ministry.

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    Decided to become a preacher and an ordained minister; also started a nonprofit that helps families and empowers women.