Noirin carmody biography
Speakers 2025
Check out our constantly growing lineup of incredible speakers we have the honor to host at the 2025 edition of the Reboot Develop Blue conference.
Focus Entertainment
Chief Content Officer
Yves started his career over 30 years ago in the games industry, first on MUDs and MMORPGs, to then join Ubisoft for 11 years in strategic positions to help expanding the PC and Online expertise, while building bridges with external developers. In 2021, Yves joined Focus Entertainment as Chief Content Officer, to lead the Publishing and Acquisition Portfolio transformation, welcoming new games, talents and studios from across the world.
Jonas Antonsson
Raw Fury
Reality Distortionist
Founder of Raw Fury, industry old timer, mother of dragons, father of children, amateur hot air machine, lover of potatoes and a little tea pot. Okay. That last thing isn’t true.
Jake Birkett
Grey Alien Games
Veteran Indie developer since 200
Noreen Carmody
Noreen Carmody est un mannequinsuisse, né le à Zurich.
Carrière professionnelle
[modifier | modifier le code]D'origine irlandaise, suisse et argentine, mesurant 1,81 m, aux cheveux blond et aux yeux brun, Noreen Carmody est remarquée en remportant le concours « Swiss Elite Model Look » en 2005, à l'âge dem seize ans, ce qui lui permet d'être engagée par l'agence Elite Model Management.
Elle a posé pour Benetton, D&G croisière, Douglas, Etam, Topshop, Nicola Trussardi (en), Façonnable...
En 2011, elle devient le visage publicitaire du nouveau parfum de Nina Ricci « L'air », dont le spot TV réalisé par Ryan McGinley tire son inspiration du film français À bout de souffle de Jean-Luc Godard, sorti en 1960.
Elle est récemment apparue dans une série mode du magazine ELLE France et aux États-Unis, dans une campagne H&M. En 2012, elle devient l'égérie publicitaire dem plusieurs marques de prêt-à-porter et de produits be
Revolution Software
British video game developer
Revolution Software Limited is a British video game developer based in York, founded in 1989 by Charles Cecil, Tony Warriner, David Sykes and Noirin Carmody.[1] Its most popular line of games is that of Broken Sword, a series which began in 1996 with Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars. As of 2024, there have been a further four iterations in the series: The Smoking Mirror (1997), The Sleeping Dragon (2003), The Angel of Death (2006) and The Serpent's Curse (2013).
Company history
[edit]1992–1994: Lure of the Temptress and Beneath a Steel Sky
[edit]The company's logo was inspired by the 1981 film Excalibur and designed in collaboration with a graphic design firm in Hull.[2]
Released in 1992 for the Amiga, Atari ST and DOS platforms, Lure of the Temptress was both critically and commercially a success[3] which helped set the company up for their future game releases.