Biography imam al nawawi

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  • Imam An Nawawi (631–676 H)

    He is Yahya Ibn Sharaf Ibn Hasan Ibn Husain An Nawawi Ad Dimasyqi, Abu Zakaria. He was born on the month of Muharram, year 631 Hijri, in Nawa, a village near the område of Damascus, the current capital of Syria. He was taught by his father who was famous for his piety and righteousness. He started to study sciences at katatib ( a place for kids to learn to read and write) and completed his memorization of the Qur’an before he reached the teen age.

    When he was ten years old, Sheikh Yasin Ibn Yusuf Az-Zarkasyi saw him being forced to play by his friends, but he evaded them, refused, and cried because of that forcing. The sheikh said that this child is hoped to be the brightest and the most ascetic man of his time, and the one to give great benefits to muslims. Hearing that, his father and teachers paid more attention to him.

    An Nawawi stayed at Nawa until he was 18 years of age. On year 649 of Hijra, he started his journey to seek for knowledge to

    Imam Nawawi (f. 631 – d. 676 H.) – raDiAllahu `anhu


    Hans fullständiga namn är Muhyi al-Din Abu Zakariyya Yahya ibn Sharaf ibn Hasan al-Shafi`i al-Nawawi. Han är benämnd efter sin fördelsort Nawa, en liten by  i södra Syrien, ca 200 km söder om huvudstaden Damascus, där denne kom till världen år 631 H.
          En from man i Nawa, Shaikh Yasin ibn Yusuf Marakashi, berättade: "Jag såg Imam al-Nawawi när han fanns en ung pojke på 10 år. Andra pojkar i hans ålder brukade tvinga honom för att leka med dem, men Imam al-Nawawi brukade alltid unvika för att leka, och var alltid sysselsatt med att recitera den ädla Koranen. När de försökte vinna över honom och insisterade på att han skulle gå tillsammans på deras lekar, brukade denne klaga och uttrycka sin likgiltighet inför deras dåraktiga företag. När jag s&a

    The Imam

    Abu Zakariyya Muḥyi al-Dīn Yaḥya Ibn Sharaf al-Nawawi was born at Nawā, a place near Damascus, in the suburb of the city of Howran, in 631 AH (1234 CE), and died forty-four years later in 676 AH (1278 CE). From a young age he showed signs of great intelligence, so his father resolved to arrange for his education. He studied in Damascus from the age of 18 and after making the pilgrimage in 1253 he settled there as a private scholar.

    His Studies

    At a young age, Imam Nawawi learnt to read the Noble Qur’an and by that time he nearly had attained puberty. Nawā, at the time, had no academic or scholarly atmosphere and there were religious academies or institutions where one could earn excellence in religious learning, so his father took him to Damascus, which was considered the center of learning and scholarship, and the students from across the Ummah gathered there for Islamic learning. During that period, there were more than three hundred institutes, colleges, and universit

  • biography imam al nawawi