Born yesterday play quotes
- Billie: This country and its institutions belong to the people who inhibit it.
- Paul: inHABit.
- Billie: InHABit it.
- Paul: A world full of ignorant people is too dangerous to live in.
- Billie: You could have saved yourself the trouble. inom don't read papers.
- Paul: Never?
- Billie: Yeah, once in a while the back part... the funnies.
- Paul: Oh, I think you should. The, the front part... the not-so-funnies.
- Harry Brock: Shut up! You ain't gonna be tellin' nobody nothin' pretty soon!
- Billie: DOUBLE NEGATIVE! Right?
- Paul: Right.
- Harry Brock: What's a peninsula?
- Billie: Shhhh.
- Harry Brock: Don't gimme that "shush." You think you're so smart, huh - what's a peninsula?
- Paul: It's a...
- Harry Brock: Not you, her.
- Billie: It's that new medicine...
- Paul: Nobody's born smart, Billie. Do you know what the stupidest thing on Earth is? An infant!
- Billie: Whadaya got against babies all of a sudden?
- Paul
Hold it right there, mate. |
Chilli:*doing yoga*
Yoga Instructor: “Now put your weight onto your arms,
lean forward and raise that right leg off the ground.”
Chilli: “Oh, you've no chance love.”
Bluey and Bingo:*Click* *Click* *Click*
Bluey;Oh, look, Raelene, it jiggles.
Chilli: Kids, don't take photos of people's bottoms.
Bluey; But we're holiday people.
It's the first time we've ever seen this bottom.
Budup. Budup. Bingo; That's a good one.
Chilli; I don't care. It's rude.
Take photos of something else.
Bingo: OK, I'll take photos of leafs. Leafs are exciting.
Bluey: Why is it rude to take photos of your bottom?
Chilli;It just is.
Bluey:But it's just a bottom.
Chilli: Just trust me.
Chilli; I've been on this planet longer than you.
Bluey; OK.
Chilli; If you're looking for something to do, the dishwasher ne
Just when you think politics has lost its sense of humor, in rides Billie Dawn on a breath of fresh air. She’s buried her smarts beneath layers of satin and showgirl sass, but hers is a highly combustible kind of clever. So when her powerful, junk-peddling boyfriend sets out to buy a medlem av senat, he decides his girl should be a little less Vegas and a little more DC, striking the flint that sets her mind ablaze. Billie may be the new kid in class, but she’s nobody’s fool. She’s simply her glorious self, whether she’s reading Dickens or wrapping men around her dazzling little finger. A hilarious and uniquely American comedy.
Closes September 22
Featuring: David Daniel, Sarah Day, Colleen Madden, Reese Madigan, John Taylor Phillips, James Ridge
Shady businessman Harry Brock heads to Washington with his ex-showgirl girlfriend Billie Dawn in an attempt to shift the law to his side. When Brock decides that Billie is too unrefined to mix with the DC political set, he hires