The autobiography of jane eyre transmedia movies

  • The Autobiography of Jane Eyre is a scripted series created by Kalama+Tea Productions, based on Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre, which ran on Youtube.
  • The Autobiography of Jane Eyre takes a transmedia approach, serializing across multiple digital platforms.
  • Literary mash-ups, graphic novels and series have been added to the repertoire of texts that strengthen Jane's transmedia presence.
  • “The Autobiography of Jane Eyre” Adapts Brontë’s Heroine for Vlogs, Tumblr, Twitter & Instagram

    Lest you remain unaware, Jane Eyrehas a vlog. And though I would fain speak well of it, the truth must out. I pre­fer my Jane with bon­net strings knot­ted firm­ly beneath her chin. This Jane, as embod­ied by project co-cre­ator, Alysson Hall, often seems like a fan putting togeth­er a home­made audi­tion tape for Girls.

    I sus­pect that’s the demo­graph­ic most like­ly to appre­ci­ate Char­lotte Bron­të’s rein­vent­ed hero­ine.  Like The Lizzie Ben­net Diaries, a self-declared “online mod­ern­ized adap­ta­tion” of Pride and Prej­u­dice, The Auto­bi­og­ra­phy of Jane Eyre takes a trans­me­dia approach, seri­al­iz­ing across mul­ti­ple dig­i­tal plat­forms.

    In addi­tion to the YouTube chan­nel, Jane tweets to over 1500 fol­low­ers, and uploads pho­tos to Insta­gram. Her video diary might not be my cup of tea, but I must con­fess, I do rather enjoy her t

    Jane Eyre movies and other adaptations (radio, theatre, television) have captivated audiences for almost as long as the book has been around. Charlotte Brontë (originally under the pen name Currer Bell) published Jane Eyre in 1847, and the novel became an immediate success. 

    Adapting the famous story across the different entertainment mediums (dependent on what is popular and available at the time) has been a work in progress ever since.

    In a first-person narrative, Jane Eyre tells the story of a plain orphan girl who faces abuse as a child and later finds love with her employer, Mr. Edward Rochester. But he has a dark secret that threatens everything. 

    The novel follows Jane from a young girl to womanhood and is considered one of the greatest love stories ever written. It’s part Bildungsroman, part Gothic novel, and part Romantic novel. 


    Across feature films, television, radio, and

    Web-Series Review: The Autobiography of Jane Eyre

    The Autobiography of Jane Eyre (2013) is a Canadian vlog-style Web-Series adaptation of Charlotte Bronte’s novel, Jane Eyre. Inspired in part by The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, TAOJE brings a more raw, natural feel to the medium. It is a good adaptation, incorporating modern changes that work really well with the themes of the original. Like many web-series of this kind, it provides a transmedia experience. Characters have Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest accounts which it was possible to interact with while the show was running. These accounts are still available to enrich your viewing experience. A must for Bronte fans.

    Jane fryst vatten a nursing student looking for a change. She finds and accepts a job through Craigslist. The position requires her to be live-in nanny and tutor to Adele, daughter of Edward Rochester who is CEO of Thornfield Aluminium Exports. After a couple of mishaps, she settles into her job, though there seem

  • the autobiography of jane eyre transmedia movies