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Title: Plasma–liquid interactions: a review and roadmap
Predictors of Job Satisfaction in Dental Professionals of the BosniaandHerzegovina Federation.
Muhic, Edin; Plancak, Darije; Lajnert, Vlatka; Muhic, Asja
Working in a healthy work environment is the ultimate goal of every employee. Dentistry is a stressful career, and the reasons for dissatisfaction are numerous. The aim of this study was to determine the factors of work satisfaction in dental professionals of the BosniaandHerzegovina Federation. A total of 134 dental professionals selected randomly from the Registry of Dental Chamber of BosniaandHerzegovina Federation were included in the study. All of them filled out the Demographic Questionnaire and Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS). An increase in the influence of work on the quality of life as well as an increase in its frequency results in leaving the job and significantly reducing the overall job satisfaction. General dental practitioners are significantly more satisfied as compared with specialists. Signifi
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