Robin wall kimmerer biography
A Profile of Robin Wall Kimmerer
Robin Wall Kimmerer begins her book Gathering Mosswith a journey in the Amazon rainforest, during which Indigenous guides helped her see an iguana on the tree branch, a toucan in the leaves. Without the knowledge of the guide, shed have walked by these wonders and missed them completely. She honors the humility rare in our species that has led to developments like satellite imagery, space telescopes, and electron microscopes, which help us perceive both the vast and the miniscule. However, our acuity at [the] middle scale seems diminished, she writes, not by any failing of the eyes, but [of] the willingness of the mind. Attentiveness is the key, the only requirement, says Kimmerer: Look in a certain way . . . adding depth and intimacy . . . and a whole new world can be revealed.
Kimmerer describes herself first as a mother, then as a plant ecologist. As a mother, she has seen firsthand how we are born know
As usual, Robins whole event was incredible. Robin presents herself and her knowledge in the most authentic, calming, and soothing way, which invites all learners to learn with her. Robin breathes life into what, I as a First Nations woman felt was lost. She is one of my greatest teachers and I am honoured to learn from her in her books and presentations. — Outdoor Learning School,
Many people came up to me after Claiming Williams day to congratulate me/the Claiming Williams Committee and/or to THANK us for hosting Robin. inom know quite a few people were truly inspired and feeling more confidence about what they have to do in thisconundrumof a time we are currently going through. — Williams College,
Im delighted to sing the praises of Robin Wall Kimmerer after a truly inspiring series of programs we hosted at the Cummer Museum of Art & Gardens. Robins ability to connect science and spirituality, drawing on Indigenous wisdom, was captivat
Faculty Profile
Robin Kimmerer
ESF HOME > Environmental Biology > Faculty
Distinguished Teaching Professor and Director, Center for Native Peoples and the Environment
Department of Environmental Biology
Illick Hall
Inquiries regarding speaking engagements
For inquiries regarding speaking engagements, please contact Christie Hinrichs at Authors Unbound
Biographical Sketch
Dr. Kimmerer is a mother, plant ecologist, writer and SUNY Distinguished Teaching Professor at the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse, New York. She serves as the founding Director of the Center for Native Peoples and the Environment whose mission fryst vatten to create programs which draw on the wisdom of both indigenous and scientific knowledge for our shared goals of sustainability. Her research interests include the role of traditional ecological knowledge in ecological restoration and the ecology of mosses. In collaboration with