Documentaries biographies

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  • 10 Biographical Documentaries to Watch on Netflix Now That You’ve Finished ‘Harry & Meghan'

    Everyone has their own story: in the fast-paced and glamorized world of rulle and TV, authenticity is needed. Where dramatizations make good entertainment, sometimes a story is best told by the person who lived through it. Biographical documentaries encourage this. They have allowed people who have lived in extraordinary circumstances to claim agency over their narratives.

    RELATED: 8 Filmmakers Who Have Made Both Great Fictional Films & Great Documentaries

    These kinds of documentaries give us an intimate look into the truth of human lives, regardless of how exposed they may be. Where Harry & Meghanis a recent example of this, public figures are not the only ones whose stories deserve to be told. The beauty of Netflix is that there's a wide spectrum of biographical documentaries at the audience's fingertips that are guaranteed to captivate, entertain and move all.


    Top 15 Inspirational Biographical Documentary Movies

    Can we ever really know someone famous? Like genuinely understand who they are as a individ behind the spotlight?

    Biographical documentaries komma closer than anything to letting us inside the lives of remarkable icons, pioneers, creators and leaders.

    15 Unforgettable Biographical Documentaries on Extraordinary Lives

    I absolutely love that feeling when a documentary draws me into someone’s one-of-a-kind story in a way that inspires and moves me.

    So I wanted to share some of my personal favorite biographical documentaries that gave me serious insight into some extraordinary people. These are some of the absolute best at truly capturing their subjects as nuanced, multifaceted individuals.

    Here are 15 of the most riveting and insightful biographical documentaries ever made:

    #1. Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond (2017)

    Jim Carrey’s portrayal of the provocative comedian Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon was next-leve

    This is an amazing documentary but be warned, the main character has some weird characteristics.

    By coincidence, an art collector stumbles upon an undiscovered collection of sculptures and paintings that can only be described as the work of a genius. There was almost no reference to the artist, but upon research the collector finds that they are by a man called Stanislav Szukalski. He traces him down and finally locates him living anonymously in a California suburb. 

    The documentary, Struggle: The Life And Lost Art Of Szukalski, is a collection of tapes from numerous interviews in the 1980s between the collector and Szukalski. He was helped by George DiCaprio, who would later produce this movie with his son Leonardo (!). 

    In these interviews it becomes clear that Szukalski is pure genius. The funny thing is that he seemed to be well aware of this fact himself. 

    Remember the weird characteristics I mentioned in that first sentence? Here we go. Szukalski’s past is full of a lot of

  • documentaries biographies