Autobiography of apj abdul kalam pdf

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  • Autobiography of Kalam

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    Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was born in to a family of boat owners in Rameshwaram, India. He overcame obstacles through determination and a strong inner drive to achieve success. The book details how individuals like Dr. Homi Bhabha and Prof. Vikram Sarabhai launched new technologies and helped modernize India through initiatives in science. Dr. Kalam drew motivation from his surroundings and past experiences to strengthen his inner self. He learned that using one's imagination and addressing challenges from their own perspective can lead to success. The book teaches that we all have creative potential and should make choices to cultivate it while living in peace.


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    Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was born in to a
  • autobiography of apj abdul kalam pdf
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    It is interesting to know that the bows found, during archaeological excavations at different sites in the country, reveal that Indians used composite bows made of wood, sinew, and horn as early as the eleventh century, at least years before such bows were made in medieval Europe. The versatility of composites, in the sense that they possess very desirable structural, thermal, electrical, kemikalie and mechanical properties, fascinated me. I was so enthused with these man-made materials that inom was in a hurry to know everything about them almost overnight. I used to read up everything available on related topics. I was particularly interested in the glass and carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) composites.

    An FRP composite is composed of an inorganic fibre woven into a matrix that encloses it and gives the component its bulk form. In February , Prime Minister Indi

    Autobiography of Apj Abdul Kalam

    -Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam-

    It is hard to find a selfless person in today's egocentric world, like Dr. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen
    Abdul Kalam. Dr. Kalam was born in poor family of an Island of South India on 15th Oct. His
    father Jainulabdeen Marakayar was a poor traditional small boat builder and his mother was house
    wife in small village of Rameshwaram in the state of Tamil Nadu in South India.

    Invigoration from teachers :

    Being a part of the hand to mouth family Kalam started working in his early childhood. After the
    completion of his day to day studies in the school he started to distribute newspapers to help his
    father. During his school days he was just like an average student but unlike other students his
    favorite subject was mathematics so that is why he was considered as brilliant and hardworking
    student in the school. Dr. Kalam always remained thankful to his teachers, according to him his
    entire life is greatly influenced by his brillian