Rhema church london biography of martin

  • Based on the information held by the Commission, Pastor Martin Phelps (“Mr Phelps”), an employee at the charity at the time the inquiry was.
  • South African-born Martin and Sandy Phelps established the Rhema Church in Croydon in 1991.
  • As the Church grew and became more relevant within the community Rev: Martin Phelps wanted nothing to hinder the ministry's growth so he took the decision.
  • ‘Nothing can stop me’ says the man behind the Croydon-based evangelical church that was shut down by a Charity Commission investigation, as he continues to seek donations online and from the congregation at services held off the Purley Way and in Banstead.

    ‘Whatsoever things are honest’: ‘Pastor’ Martin Phelps, a little greyer than when he was investigated by the Charity Commission and the taxman, is still operating his money-spinning ‘church’

    The controversial pastor of a Croydon-based evangelical church who is banned from being a charity trustee will be expecting a bumper congregation at his next service on Sunday.

    Easter is the holiest day in the Christian calendar, and “Pastor” Martin Phelps is probably hoping for especially generous donations as he rattles his collection tin, both online and in person.

    Phelps and his wife, Sandy, have continued with their money-spinning ministry, d

    Interview: Rhema Church London

    Nov 10 2009

    RCL Praise is the resident worship band of Rhema Church London. Formed in 1991, the group has grown and developed into a dynamic and anointed worship team. RCL Praise is known for lively contemporary music reflecting a multicultural congregation. Many of the songs sung at Rhema Church London have been written by the band members themselves, songs birthed from the hearts of people who have committed themselves to a lifestyle of worship and dedication to God. Louder Than The Music talked to RCL's Michele Avery...

    How long have you been involved in music and how did you get first into it?

    I've been involved in Praise and worship for the past eighteen years. I joined Rhema church London at the very beginning so saw the need for workers in this area, inom only intended to stay a little while but God had other plans. As the weeks went by I began to realise that praise and worship and RCL Praise was the place God wanted me to be, the rest is

  • rhema church london biography of martin
  • A Croydon couple who have been under investigation since 2015 over their management of hundreds of thousands of pounds of medel from an evangelical church are now subject to further enquiries by the Charity Commission, the tax man and the police, after officials appointed by the charity authority reported being subject to “considerable harassment, intimidation and threats”.

    For several years, the Phelpses held their church meetings at the Fairfield Halls

    South African-born Martin and Sandy Phelps established the Rhema Church in Croydon in 1991. By 2013, Rhema Church London had an annual income of £1million. For several years, their large congregation met each Sunday at the Fairfield Halls, paying hire fees of £1,000 per week.

    According to the church’s own website, “The hand of God has been the force behind the success of this church as it grows from strength to strength.”

    But members of the congregation were beginning to ask just whose hand was on the church