Jose luis navajo biography
Book: Mondays With My Old Pastor: Sometimes, All We Need is a Reminder From Someone Who Has Walked Before Us
Author: José Luis Navajo
Mondays With My Old Pastor is a very uplifting and compelling story. The author, Jose Luis Navajo, has written other books; nevertheless, the script from this one is my favorite. In fact, this fryst vatten one of my favorite books of all times. I must confess that I have read it four times and every time I read it, it seems like the first time.
The book tells us the story of the conversations between a young pastor that struggles with his ministry and an experienced and retired old pastor. The young pastor went seeking advice; he needed to empty out his weary heart due to very difficult situations with his congregation. He was about to give up, he was burnt out, discouraged and very hurt. They agreed to see each other every Monday. The ung pastor visited his mentor at his home and every Monday was like a new adventure for the y
Mondays with My Old Pastor by José Luis Navajo
"Deep inre in some uncertain part of my soul persisted this strange exhaustion that was difficult to explain and hard to endure," writes pastor and author José Luis Navajo. Thinking of quitting the ministry, Navajo doesn't know where to turn until he begins meeting with a seasoned man of the cloth—his "old pastor"—who, through successive Monday visits, offers a legacy of wisdom in the form of 15 unique principles.
In lyrical prose, Navajo shares the personal anecdotes, fables, and deep spiritual insights offered by the old pastor and his wife. By turns funny, heartbreaking, and thought provoking, Mondays with My Old Pastor is a comfort to anyone who struggles in his or her walk with God. As readers follow Navajo's journey from desperation to rejuvenati•
José Luis Navajo
Jos Luis Navajo studied in the Seminario Evanglico Espaol, the Asociacin de Formacin Teolgica Evanglica and the Escuela Bblica Salem. He is an acclaimed speaker, a columnist for the newspaper Actualidad Evanglica and a commentator for various radio shows. Pastor Navajo has written many books, including Mi mayor legado, Tras la frontera del alma, El cincel de Dios,Cartas desde el corazn,Misterio en el campamento,Eduquemos a nuestros hijos, and No bailes con la muerte.
José Luis Navajo cursó estudios en el Seminario Evangélico Español, la Asociación de Formación Teológica Evangélica y la Escuela Bíblica Salem. Es un aclamado conferenciante, columnista del periódico Actualidad Evangélica y comentarista en diversos programas radiofónicos. El pastor Navajo ha escrito varios libros incluyendo los siguientes: Mi mayor legado, Tras la frontera del alma, El cincel de Dios, Cartas desde el corazón, Misterio en el campamen