Dusolina giannini biography definition

  • Dusolina Giannini was a.
  • American soprano.
  • Giannini, Dusolina, American soprano, daughter of Ferruccio and sister of Vittorio Giannini; b.
  • Dusolina Giannini

    Dusolina Giannini (ur. 19 grudnia1900 w Filadelfii[1][2], zm. 26 czerwca1986 w Zurychu[2]) – amerykańska śpiewaczka operowa pochodzenia włoskiego, sopran.


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    Była córką śpiewaka Ferruccio Gianniniego i siostrą kompozytora Vittorio Gianniniego[2]. Podstawy edukacji muzycznej otrzymała w domu, następnie uczyła się u Marceliny Sembrich-Kochańskiej w Curtis Institute of Music w Filadelfii[1][2]. Debiutowała jako śpiewaczka koncertowa w 1920 roku[2], w 1923 roku wystąpiła w nowojorskiejCarnegie Hall[1]. W 1925 roku w Hamburgu kreowała swoją pierwszą rolę operową (tytułowa partia w AidzieGiuseppe Verdiego)[1][2]. W kolejnych latach śpiewała w Berlinie, Wiedniu i Londynie[1]. Od 1934 do 1936 roku występowała w Salzburgu, kreując rolę Donny Anny w Don Giovannim pod batutą Bruno Waltera[1]. W latach 1936–1941 śpiewała w nowojorskiej storstads- Opera[1][2]. Po II wojnie światowej występowała w Europie, w

  • dusolina giannini biography definition
  • Giannini, Dusolina (1900–1986)

    American soprano. Name variations: Gianini. Born on December 19, 1900, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; died on June 26, 1986, in Zurich, Switzerland; daughter of Ferruccio (a tenor) and Antonietta (Briglia) Giannini (a violinist); sister of Euphemia Giannini (1895–1979), a soprano who taught at the Curtis Institute, and Vittorio Giannini (1903–1966), a composer; studied with her father.

    Debuted in Hamburg (1925), Teatro alla Scala debut (1928), Metropolitan (1936); retired (1962) and became a teacher.

    Dusolina Giannini could no more remember her first singing lesson than her first breath as she was vocally trained her entire childhood. Her father was an operatic tenor and impresario while her mother was an accomplished instrumentalist. An older sister, Euphemia Giannini , became a well-known voice teacher at the Curtis Institute, and Dusolina's younger brother, Vittorio, was a composer of merit. Dusolina first appeared at her father's theate

    Vittorio Giannini

    American composer (1903–1966)

    Vittorio Giannini (October 19, 1903 – November 28, 1966) was an American neoromantic composer of operas, songs, symphonies, and band works.

    Life and work


    Giannini was born in Philadelphia on October 19, 1903. He began as a violinist beneath the tutelage of his mother Antonietta Briglia; he would go on to study violin and composition at the Milan Conservatory on scholarship, and then to take his graduate degree at the Juilliard School. He returned to Juilliard to teach, moving on to the Manhattan School of Music, the Juilliard School of Music, and the Curtis Institute of Music. His students included Herbie Hancock, Nicolas Flagello, David Amram, Mark Bucci, Alfred Reed, Anthony Iannaccone, M. William Karlins, Irwin Swack, John Corigliano, Adolphus Hailstork, Rolande Maxwell ung, Thomas Pasatieri, Avraham Sternklar, Mary Lynn Twombly, and Nancy Bloomer Deussen. Giannini was the founder and first president of the North Ca